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My journey of losing some weight or how I have improved my health

When I gave birth to my daughter I gained just a little bit of weight, however in 4 years I became pregnant again and gained nearly 15 kg during pregnancy which I could not lose after giving birth to my son.

How often do you hear a similar story? It is a very common situation.

I tried different diets; sometimes I managed to lose some weight then gained even more. How terrible I was feeling at those times.

Why was it happening? For a long period of time, we all thought including me that counting calories are the best way to get rid of those unwanted kilograms. When you start counting calories you start losing weight but eventually what is happening?

You are just fed up with weighing every meal. Write down everything you have just eaten or use apps to track your calories eaten. Of course, it is useful to do for some time like a week or so, but not for months or even years. Obviously, it is impossible to live all your life counting and weighing food. On top of that at some point, the unwanted weight just does not want to go away anymore. You decide that most likely you need to cut some more calories. In the end, you become hungry, then angry then irritated, and eventually, give up your unpleasant diet gaining back your kilograms if you are lucky enough otherwise you likely to gain even more than you had before.  However, some people are so strong-willed that they can keep track of all their meals and snacks for really long periods. SO was I. But do you think it is good for your health? Let’s just think about it – 1 snickers chocolate bar contains 488 calories and is NOTHING USEFUL for your health. On top of that, I promise you will be hungry very soon after eating that bar. Why? Give me a call and I will explain you in more detail.

Ok, let’s come back to my journey.

Actually, I gave up trying different diets really quickly as I thought I can’t live like that all the time thinking about my weight, losing several kilograms, and gaining even more. On top of that when I tried a new diet I became irritable as I was hungry most of the time, I was craving for something sweet so much.  It was so difficult to fall asleep when I was hungry.

Eventually, I decided to accept my weight and my appearance and do nothing about it. I was trying to love my appearance so I tried to change my hairstyle, to buy some new clothes, nothing helped. Also at that time, I was always tired, even exhausted, I could not do any exercises because I understood I did not have enough strength to do them, I was just weak. In addition to it, my children and I got cold very often. I remember one year when I had viral infection 6 times and every single time I had to take antibiotics. Actually, I could not see any connections between my weight and my health. I can tell you now there are some. Unfortunately at that period of my life, I did not know about it I did not meet anyone who could tell me about it, even my GP. Jumping ahead I can tell you now if you start thinking and looking after your health and wellbeing, first of all, you will lose your weight as a bonus.

One day I met my friend who I had not seen for a while, she was so slim. How? How did you manage to lose weight? I was wondering…

Do not tell anyone, it is the keto diet. I eat meat, bacon and I am losing my weight, – she said.

That was my chance, eating meat and bacon meant for me that I won’t be hungry. Actually, it sounded strange to me, how it is possible to eat bacon as it has so much fat, most of the time even fried, and to lose weight. All my previous life I thought that we are gaining weight because of fats, we should avoid them! It sounded untruthful but so tasty for me so I decided to believe in such a fairy tale and give it a try.

I didn’t have anyone at that time who was specialising in the diets or anyone who could support me, so I started browsing internet pages, Instagram accounts, and Facebook posts to learn everything about this diet. I had made an enormous amount of mistakes before I realised that I was doing something wrong. Actually, I was losing weight. The first 2 to 3 weeks were just terrible, I stopped eating all carbs. By saying that I mean I avoided not only cakes, bakery, and sweets, but also all complex carbs such as all grains even rice or buckwheat, I did not eat potatoes, and you know I even stopped eating colourful vegetables except green ones. I felt absolutely exhausted, some days I even had a high temperature. However, I was browsing the internet and some bloggers wrote that it was normal they called it keto flu; I had just to be patient and wait. I was counting in grams how many proteins, carbs, and fats I had eaten. Also, I counted calories as well. That was a nightmare. In several months I realised that I cannot live all my life like that, I was not ready to check the weight of every meal, track the fats, proteins, carbs, and calories consumed so I started to look for some more information on the internet, but this time I was trying to find nutritionists’ opinions and advice, I was curious and at the same time I was trying to find the best possible solution how not to gain my weight back.

To be positive I should admit I lost more weight than I could ever lose before. The only thought that did not give me a chance to calm down I was always thinking about the food I was eating. I will tell you what my meals looked like, I ate lots of fatty meat, especially fried bacon, I drank coffee with extra thick cream, and the useful side of that diet was that I started to eat more green vegetables. However, despite the fact that I was losing weight, I was always thinking that it cannot be right for my health to eat so much fried food and stay healthy. My curiosity has brought me to the point where I am now; I am just several steps away from nearly finishing my health coach course and getting my diploma.

Actually, I would love to share all my knowledge with everyone who is trying to become healthier and eventually lose weight.

I have so much information to share with you; I can guide you and help you in your personal journey of reaching your personal targets and goals. I would like to protect all people from making such mistakes I had done in past. I would love to become your helpmate who I was missing on my way.

I think everyone knows that the older we become the harder is to lose weight. However, my suggestion is to start thinking about our health, let your health be your priority. I think everyone can agree that as we are getting older the worse our health is. Now I know for definite if you agree to improve your health and wellbeing first, you will get more energy, as a result, you will be able to do some exercise, and your mood will improve as well, you will become happier you will feel the power that you can do everything!

The sooner you start the earlier you will see positive results in your life. I know most of the people are just too busy working, looking after children they just do not have enough time to spend for themselves. Again such a problem is possible to solve. I can help you with managing your time, I can help you to organise your day so you can implement some small changes into your life. I promise I will never ask you to do anything that looks impossible for you. We discuss together what you can incorporate into your daily routine. If you think that you cannot do something we will look for some different solutions.

Thinking about my personal experience and knowledge that I have, thanks to my Health Coach course in CNM, I would never force you to do something you do not want or you are not ready yet.

We will always try to find the best possible solution for you. We will start with small changes in your habits and I will guide you and support you in this journey. I strongly believe now that big changes are made from small steps.

If you think about a baby, the baby could not talk when he/she was born. The baby started to cry and scream, then pronounces some sounds, then words, phrases, and eventually sentences. Or remind yourself how you started school, you could not write or read, you could not count and solve some tasks. What happened at the end of school? You manage to pass so many exams; you become good at maths or science, or any other subject. We become successful in whatever we do when we learn and we fancy learning.  Remember you can do everything; the only factor which influences is your wish, desire.

Just like a baby when the small tiny baby wants to tell something to his/her parents, he/she is learning to speak. When you decide that you want to become a policeman or an accountant or even an actor/ actress you learn how to do it. The same happens with your health if you want to improve your health you just need to learn how to do it. Ideally, we will try to make your journey to your health is enjoyable, interesting, and achievable.

Never blame yourself for what you have not done, but notice what you have done correctly.

If you are still blaming yourself for any reason, just calm down and think about why you have done something wrong, remember that it is not the end of the world.  In most cases, you did it just because of your habits. So now you have just done your first step on how to improve it. You have already understood that you have a habit that needs correction and I will guide you on how to put it right.

I will give you one example. I do not know anyone in my life who has never discussed with their friends if they are morning larks or night owls.  All my life since childhood I was thinking that I was a night owl. I could not wake up in the morning but I had to wake up in the morning. First of all, I went to nursery, then school, the university, all my jobs, all my life I had to wake up in the mornings. I hated all mornings, I woke up angry, irritated. I told everyone not to talk to me in the mornings because I wanted to go to bed; I wanted to sleep because I was a night owl.

However, my journey to my health proved to me that we all live according to circadian biorhythm. Our bodies are just designed like that. Everything is working in our bodies according to the time of the day. Our bodies are just like flowers, they are ready to fall asleep in the evening with sunset and wake up in the morning with the sunrise. However, our habits do not let our bodies live the life which is comfortable for them.  When I realised that going to bed late is just my unhealthy habit, I found a way how to improve it. Now I do believe that morning larks and night owls just do not exist.

At the end of my story, I would like to offer my help. I am ready to be your helpmate. So if you look for someone who can support you in your personal journey to your health contact me.

I will be happy to help and support you!